中国人民解放军123医院病理科 安徽省蚌埠市 233015严家春,男,1941-06-26生,安徽省定远县人,汉族. 1972年第七军医大学医资班毕业,主任医师,教授,主要从事肝脏的病理研究,发表论文125篇. 获军队科技进步二、三、四等奖14项.
项目负责人 严家春,233015,安徽省蚌埠市,中国人民解放军123医院病理科.
Correspondence to Jia-Chun Yan, Department of Pathology, Chinese PLA 123 Hospital, Bengbu 233015, Anhui Province, China
Tel. +86-552-4125701(H)
收稿日期 1999-11-16 接收日期 1999-12-14
Dynamic observation on vascular diseases of liver tissues of rats induced by CCl4
Jia-Chun Yan, Yong Ma, Wen-Bi Chen and Chang-Jiang Xu
Department of Pathology, Chinese PLA 123 Hospital, Bengbu 233015, Anhui Province, China
AIM To study the dynamic changes of intrahepatic vascular diseases on rats induced by CCl4 and their significance in liver fibrosis (LF) and cirrhosis (LC).
METHODS Fifty male 6 months old SD rats were ramdomly divided into 2 groups: 40 were used to make model (experimental group) and 10 served as controls. The experimental rats were injected with 3mL/kg of 500mL/L CCl4 (prepared with liquid paraffin) on several spots, twice a week and the control group was not treated with CCl4. Ten rats of experimental rats were studied separately on week 2, 5, 8 and 12 after experiment and frost and paraffin slices were made for observation. The control group was treated with the same way. ......
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