复旦大学医学院附属中山医院消化科 上海市 200032陈世耀,男1966-09-05生,江苏省兴化市人,汉族. 1989年上海医科大学毕业. 1996年原上海医科大学临床流行病学硕士. 现在复旦大学医学院中山医院消化科工作,副教授,博士. 主要从事胃肠病学、消化内镜诊断治疗等临床和科研工作,发表论文20篇.
本课题受CMB基金资助, No.96-628.
项目负责人 陈世耀,200032,上海市,复旦大学医学院附属中山医院消化科.
Department of Gastroenterology, Zhongshan Hospital, Shanghai 200032, China
This Project is Supported by the CMB grant, No.96-628.
Correspondence to Dr. Shi-Yao Chen, Department of Gastroenterology, Zhongshan Hospital, 136 Yixueyuan Road,Shanghai 200032, China
Tel. 0086-21-64041990 Ext.2940
Email. syaochen@guomai.sh.cn
Received 2000-09-18 Accepted 2000-10-18
Effects of Helicobacter pylori and protein kinase C on gene mutation in gastric cancer and precancerous lesions
Shi-Yao Chen, Ji-Yao Wang, Yuan Ji, Xi-De Zhang and Chou-Wen Zhu
AIM To explore the mechanism of Hp infection on the development of gastric cancer by simultaneously detecting Hp infection, PKC level, cell proliferation level and expression of p53 mutation of different gastric mucosae, from chronic gastritis, intestinal metaplasia, dysplasia and gastric cancer. ......
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