白杨,黄文,林焕健,王继德,陈烨,周殿元,张亚历,中国人民解放军第一军医大学南方医院全军消化病研究所 广东省广州市 510515张兆山,军事医学科学院生物工程研究所北京市 100071
“863”计划专题102-07-03-06、国家自然科学基金,No. 30170890,30270078, 军队“十五”医药卫生科研课题(OIMA-132)资助项目
收稿日期:2002-09-13 接受日期:2002-10-12
Constructionof clone expressing adhesin Hsp60 of Helicobacter pylori
YangBai, Wen Huang, Huan-Jian Lin,Ji-De Wang, Ye Chen, Zhao-San Zhang,Dian-Yuan Zhou,Ya-Li Zhang
YangBai, Wen Huang, Huan-Jian Lin,Ji-De Wang, Ye Chen, Dian-Yuan Zhou, Ya-LiZhang, PLA Institute for Digestive Medicine, the First Military MedicalUnivercity, Guangzhou 510515, Guangdong Province, China
Zhao-San Zhang, Institute of Biotechnology, Academy of Military MedicalSciences, Beijing 100071, China
Supported by grants from the State 863 High Technology R & D Projectof China (102-07-03-06),The National Natural Sciences Foundation of China(30170890,30270078) and Mlitary "Ten-Five"Commanding Project.
Correspondence to:Dr Ya-Li Zhang, PLA Institute for Digestive Medicine,theFirst Military Medical Univercity, Guangzhou 510515, GuangdongProvince,China. ......
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