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     林万隆,马小明, 孙培龙,上海市闸北区北医院医务科 上海市 200435

    李定国,陈强, 陆汉民,上海第二医科大学附属新华医院消化科上海市 200092

    林万隆,男, 1974-01-29,江苏省镇江市人,在读博士, 研究方向消化道肿瘤的早期诊断及综合治疗,发表论文4篇.

    项目负责人:林万隆,200092, 上海市共和新路4500号,上海市闸北区北医院医务科. linwanlong155@sohu.com


    收稿日期:2002-11-14 接受日期:2002-12-07

    Clinicalefficacy and mechanism of oxaliplatin in treating human gastric carcinoma

    Wan-LongLin, Ding-Guo Li, Qiang Chen, Han-Min Lu, Xiao-Ming Ma, Pei-Long Sun

    Wan-LongLin, Xiao-Ming Ma, Pei-Long Sun, Shibei Hospital, Shanghai 200435, China

    Ding-Guo Li, Qiang Chen, Han-Min Lu, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200092, China

    Correspondence to: Wan-Long Lin, Digestive Department, ShibeiHospital, Shanghai 200435, China. linwanlong155@sohu.com

    Received: 2002-11-14 Accepted:2002-12-07

    AbstractAIM: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of oxaliplatin on humangastric carcinoma and to explore the mechanisms.

    METHODS:22 cases of stage IV gastric carcinoma patients received 4-6 (mean 4.6)cycles of first line combined chemotherapy with oxaliplatin (oxaliplatin85 mg/m2, ivgtt, 1 h, d 1; leukovorin 200 mg/m2, iv,gtt, 1 h, d 1-5; 5-FU 300 mg/m2,iv, d 1-2; 5-FU, continuouslyiv, gtt, 48 h; 1 cycle/2w). Responserate, progression-free survival (PFS), total survival time, toxic sideeffects were evaluated. The inhibitory effect of oxaliplatin on humangastric cell line SGC-7901 was calculated by MTT and IC50 was measured.Flow cytometry and TUNEL were applied to evaluate the apoptosis of cellline induced by the drug. The expression of caspase-3 mRNA was detected byRT-PCR. ......

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