熊锦华,胡大荣, 张成平,范公忍, 刘勇,闻炜,北京军区总医院肝病研究所 北京市 100700
熊锦华,女, 1966-04-27生,湖北省竹山县人,满族, 1990年第四军医大学本科毕业,主治医师, 主要从事肝病临床研究.
项目负责人:胡大荣,100700, 北京市,北京军区总医院肝病研究所. hdrg@sohu.com
电话:010-66721181 传真:010-66721181
收稿日期:2002-11-19 接受日期:2002-11-29
Prospectivestudy of response to interferon a-2bin chronic hepatitis B
Jin-HuaXiong, Da-Rong Hu, Cheng-Ping Zhang, Gong-Ren Fan, Yong Liu, Wei Wen
Jin-HuaXiong, Da-Rong Hu, Cheng-Ping Zhang, Gong-Ren Fan, Yong Liu, Wei Wen,Institute of Liver Diseases,General Hospital of Beijing Military Command,Beijing 100700, China
Jin-Hua Xiong, Institute of Liver, Diseases, General Hospital of BeijingMilitary Command, Beijing 100700, China
Correspondence to: Da-Rong Hu, Institute of Liver Diseases, GeneralHospital of Beijing Military Region, Beijing 100700, China. hdrg@sohu.com
Received: 2002-11-19 Accepted: 2002-11-29
AbstractAIM: To prospectively evaluate the response to interferon a-2b(IFN) in chronic hepatitis B.
METHODS:We enrolled a total number of 32 patients with CHB for the study. Thepatients received 6 million units of IFNa-2bsubcutaneously thrice a weak for 3 months and also a follow-up for 6months. Liver biopsies were obtained in 16 patients with CHB before andafter treatment. ......
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