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Educational Preparation

http://www.100md.com   2004年4月19日 未知
     Educational Preparation

    Both Lacey (1994) and Rizzuto et al. (1994) demostrate a positive correlation between basic educational preparation in research methods and utilization of research in practice. There is a need for caution when interpreting their results. Specifically, the Lacey study was a small-scale pilot, and the Rizzuto et al. study was plagued by poor response rates. Obviously, the issue of education and training as a means of promoting confidence in the use of research evidence is an important one. Particularly as a lack of research confidence has been shown to be both a barrier to formal research utilisation activity (Funk et al., 1995) and broader consumption of information generally - in the form of health care library use (Wakeham, 1996).
