山东省交通医院(250031) 聂小玲 王学礼 孟 霞内容摘要 作者对临床上常见的复发性口腔粘膜溃疡应用湿润烧伤膏治疗后,取得满意疗效的治疗方法作了介绍,还对该法治疗的原理作了初步分析。
关键词 MEBO 口腔粘膜溃疡 治疗
MEBO for Treating Recurrent Ulcerative Stomatitis Nie Ziaoling,et al.Hospital of Communications,Shandong Province 250031
Abstract The authors used MEBO for treating recurrent ulcerative stomatitis.The results were satisfactory.In this paper,an analysis of the efficacy of MEBO treatment is presented.
Key words MEBO ulcerative stomatitis treatment
口腔粘膜溃疡是门诊常见的一种口腔疾病 ......
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