河南 南石医院、南阳烧伤中心(473065) 李天宇 赵俊祥〔摘 要〕 笔者结合临床实践,认为MEBT始终抓住了烧伤治疗过程的主要矛盾。即:早期救活瘀滞组织、中后期促进坏死组织液化脱落;保护新生上皮在生理性环境中自然生长,达到深度创面完全自愈且疤痕轻微。这与传统的干燥疗法以及切(削)痂植皮疗法,有着本质的差别。
〔关键词〕 烧伤 治疗 MEBT/MEBO 干燥疗法 主要矛盾
A Brief Talk on the Principal Contradiction in Burn Treatment Li Tianyu, et al. Nanshi Hospital, Nanyang Burn center 473065
〔Abstract〕 The author summarized their clinical experience with MEBT and concluded the principal contradiction in the treatment includes: To help the stasis zone tissue survive at the early stage, to promote liquefaction and removal of the necrotic tissue at the middle and later stages; to protect the newly grown epithelial cell in a physiological environment to grow smoothly so that the deep wounds can heal completely and no scar or only very slight scar forms after healing. This treating process is quite different from dry therapy with escharetomy and skin grafting.
〔Key words〕 Burn MEBT/MEBO dry therapy principal contradiction
唯物辩证法认为一切问题存在着主要和次要矛盾两个方面 ......
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