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http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 1999年第1期
     湖北省宜昌市中医院(443003) 文琳 向长华 向天平 杨 静 陈贵琴

    〔摘 要〕 大面积烧伤病人,由于长期卧床及局部组织的水肿、受压、营养障碍、潮湿、感染等特殊的病理变化, 极易诱发褥疮。为预防褥疮的发生,我们对1994~1997年收治的46例大面积烧伤病人,采用了积极主动的护理措施,有效地杜绝了褥疮的发生。具体措施包括:根据体位找出可能发生褥疮的部位;尽早上翻身床,减轻局部受压;保持床铺整法、干燥;局部用50%红花酒精按摩;加强全身营养。

    〔关键词〕 大面积烧伤 褥疮 预防

    Nursing Work for Preventing Bedsore of Patients with Large Area Burn Wen Lin, et al. Hospital of Chinese medicine, Yichang City, Hubei Province 443003

    〔Abstract〕 Patients with large area burn need to stay in bed for a long time. Bedsore often occurs, because the local regions under pressure often suffer from edema, humidity, malnutrition and infection. In order to prevent bedsore, in the treatment of 46 cases of large area burn, active nursing measures were adopted. Patients were asked to lie in turn-over bed and change their posture frequently. The beds were kept clean and dry. The local regions under pressure were massaged using 50% alcoholic solution of salfflower. Sufficient nutrition was supplied. The nursing results were very satisfactory. ......

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