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http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 1999年第2期
     山东兖州市中山医院 (272000) 刘郭 江丽 王军

    [ 摘 要 ] 本文所指肛周手术后创面主要包括慢性肛裂切除、各种瘘管切开、外痔血栓摘除及直肠肛门脓肿切开引流所造成的皮损。传统方法多为凡士林纱布外敷与肛门坐浴治疗。自1996年以来,我们对44例上述病例实行了外用湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)油纱治疗,并同45例传统疗法进行比较,前者有效率与显效率均明显优于后者,且MEBO疗法简便易行。作者认为,MEBO可促进肛周手术后创面愈合。

    [关键词] 肛周手术创面 MEBO 治疗

    The Efficacy of MEBO Gauze in Treating Wounds Post Operation on Perianal Region Liu Guo, et al. Zhongshan Hospital, Yanzhou City, Shandong Province 272000

    [Abstract] Wounds formed post perianal operation were conventionally treated with vaselin gauze and bath therapy. We used MEBO gauze for treating 44 cases of wounds of the kind. MEBO gauze proved to more effective than conventional treatment. It is easy to use and promotes wound healing.

    [Key words] Wound post perianal operation MEBO treatment

    自1996年1月 ......

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