河南 南阳南石医院烧伤科 刘先超 杨国明 杨丙厚 王合珍杨 洪 王 硕 李天宇 赵俊祥
内容摘要 大面积深度烧伤一直为烧伤界公认难题。重要原因是一部分病人虽然保住了性命,但遗留有较严重残疾,加上早期手术广泛取皮使后期必须的整形手术难以进行。笔者从1996年1月至1997年1月对17例大面积深度烧伤病人主要运用MEBT均获痊愈,无一例残废。认为1.大面积烧伤,其深Ⅱ度深型及浅Ⅲ度混和创面可以自愈。2.运用MEBT可缩短疗程,减少植皮面积。3.创面愈后及早防疤,远期效果满意。4.减少了取皮面积,留有后期治疗余地,便于以后必要的整行手术开展。
关键词 深度烧伤 湿润暴露疗法(MEBT)
Experience in Treating Large Deep Burn Wounds at Different Stages Liu Xianchao,et al.Nanshi Hospital,Nanyang City 473065
Abstract 17 patients with large deep burn wounds were treated with MEBT.All the patients were cured.None had disablement.The authors concluded that MEBT had the follwing advantages:1,Mixed deep second degree and superficial third degree burn wounds can heal spontaneously with no need of skin grafting.2,MEBT shortens the treating course and the area of skin grafting.3,Early measures for preventing scar formation give very good long term results.4,Skin donner area is smaller than conventional therapy and there is room for plastic surgery at the later stage.
Key words Deep burn MEBT
大面积深度烧伤一直为烧伤界公认难题 ......
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