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http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 1999年第2期
     南京消防医院 (210008) 刘晓华

    [摘 要] 自1994年8月—1998年12月,我院应用美比欧疤痕平治疗烧伤后大面积广泛性疤痕76例,认为该药疗效好,且简便、止痒、无痛苦,值得基层医院广泛推广和使用。

    [关键词] 美比欧疤痕平 烧伤后疤痕

    76 Cases of Scar Treated with MEBO Scar Lotion Liu Xiaohua Nanjing Fire Fighting Hospital 210008

    [Abstract] During the period from August 1994 to December 1998, 76 cases of large extensive scars had been healed by treating with MEBO Scar Lotion. The results proved that MEBO Scar Lotion has very good efficacy. It has antipruritic effect and is easy to use and painless.

    [Key words] MEBO Scar Lotion treatment of scar

    一、临床资料76例患者中 ......

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