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http://www.100md.com 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 1999年第2期
     海口市人民医院(570208) 潘富文 王国士

    [ 摘 要 ] 目的:研究小腿骨折合并软组织创疡治疗的新途径;方法:小腿骨折完成骨折复位固定后,对软组织创疡用MEBO治疗,每日4-6次,直到创疡愈合;创疡并骨质外露时,在外露骨皮质上用2.5mm钻头钻3-5个小孔,同样涂上药膏;早期配合应用抗生素1周,加强全身营养。结果:45例小腿骨折合并软组织创疡全部治愈。创疡较浅,直径在5cm内1-3周愈合,创疡较深,直径大于5cm,4-6周愈合,创疡并骨外露7-10周愈合。仅有5例创疡愈合有轻度疤痕。45例全部随访6个月至2年。结论:小腿骨折合并软组织创疡,应用MEBO治疗效果显著,方法简单实用,创疡愈合快,不留疤痕。

    [关键词] 软组织创疡 MEBO 治疗

    45 Cases of Leg Fracture Complicated by Soft Tissue Wound Healed by Treating with MEBO Pan Fuwen, at al. People's Hospictal, Haikuo City 570208

    [Abstract] 45 cases of leg fracture complicated by soft tissue wond were treated with MEBO. MEBO was applied on the wounds to a thickness of 1mm, 4 to 6 times a day until the wounds healed. If the substance of bone was exposed, MEBO was also applied on the exposed region and associated with early application of antibiotics and nutrition support. Superficial wonds, less than 5cm in diameter healed in 1 to 3 weeks. Deep large wounds, more than 5cm in diameter healed in 4 to 6 weeks. Wounds complicated by bone exposure healed in 7 to 10 weeks. All the wounds healed, only 5 of them healed with slight scar, after followed-up for 6 to 12 months. No adverse effact and no deformity was found. This treatment is easy and simple and has very good efficacy. ......

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