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http://www.100md.com 2005年2月26日

    卫世强 鲁力立* 宿双宁* 李勇枝* 张三林 刘向昕*

    (453000 河南新乡,解放军第三七一医院;*100094 北京,航天医学工程研究所)

    【摘要】 目的 探讨21 d -6°头低位卧床(HDT-6°)对肺弥散功能的影响,并对其变化的相关因素进行分析,为地面模拟失重及航天飞行医学监督提供有关医学参考。 方法 采用Vmax 22LV肺功能仪和6200肺功能仪,对16名健康男性受试者卧床前、后及卧床不同时间反映肺弥散功能的指标[弥散容量(DLco)、弥散常数(Kco)、肺泡容量(VA)]以及反映肺内气体分布的指标和肺血容量分别进行了测试。 结果 与卧床前平卧位相比,在卧床开始时,DLco、Kco均增加,从卧床的第3天起至恢复期第1天,DLco、Kco显著减少,恢复期第3天尚未恢复至卧床前水平;头低位卧床期间VA显著减少。Kco在卧床中的变化趋势与DLco一致,但变化率高于DLco,主要是由于头低位卧床期间VA、肺血容量的显著减少以及肺内吸入气的分布不均有关,同时肺泡毛细血管膜的变化也是不容忽视的因素。 结论 头低位卧床肺弥散功能下降与肺毛细血管血量的减少、肺泡容量下降,以及通气血流分布不均和潜在性的肺间质水肿导致膜弥散下降有关,在头低位卧床模拟失重的医学监督应考虑肺弥散功能的变化。
, 百拇医药
    【关键词】 头低位卧床; 肺弥散功能; 弥散容量;弥散常数;肺泡容量;气体分布;肺血容量

    【中图分类号】 R852.4

    Effects of 21 d head down tilt -6° bedrest on pulmonary diffusion capacity WEI Shi-qiang*, LU Li-li, SU Shuang-ning, et al. *The 371st Hospital of PLA, Xinxiang, Henan 453000, China

    【Abstract】 Objective To probe the effects of 21 days HDT -6° bed rest on the pulmonary diffusion capacity. Method Sixteen health young men served as subjects. The indices of the pulmonary diffusion capacity, including diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide (DLco), diffusion constant (Kco), and alveolar volume (VA) were measured before, during and after HDT. The indices reflecting gas distribution in lungs [ΔN2(%/L)] and pulmonary blood volume (PBV) were also determined. Result DLco and Kco values on the first day of HDT (HDT1) were significantly higher as compared with those in supine position (SP) before HDT, but the values decreased significantly from HDT3 to 1 day after HDT in supine position. VA decreased significantly during HDT. The trend of changes inΔN2(%/L) and PBV (ml/m2) were similar to that of DLco. Conclusion It is suggested that the lowering of diffusion capacity of lungs during HDT (except HDT1) may be related to the decrease of PBV, alveolar capacity, uneven distribution of ventilation, blood stream and potential interstitial edema of lungs. The exact mechanism of it needs further investigation.

    【Key words】 Head down tilt bedrest; Pulmonary diffusion function; Pulmonary diffusion capacity; Diffusion constant; Alveolar volume; Ventilation distribution; Pulmonary blood volume_, 百拇医药