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    New from 2003


    The journal DiePharmazie publishes reviews, experimental studies, letters to the editor, as well as book reviews.

    The following fields of pharmacy are covered: Pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical analysis and drug control, pharmaceutical technolgy, biopharmacy (biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, biotransformation), experimental and clinical pharmacology, pharmaceutical biology (pharmacognosy), history of pharmacy.
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    Articles are published in English or German.


    Original articles

    Short communications

    Book reviews

    Letters to the Editor


    Preparation of manuscripts

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    A summarizing presentation encompassing the current state of our

    knowledge and providing comprehensive interpretation with

    citation of the literature.

    Original articles

    Publications from all fields mentioned above.

    Short communications

    Brief publications about the fields mentioned above (see Preparation
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    of manuscripts)

    Book reviews



    1.Authors are requested to submit all manuscripts either to DiePharmazie, Govi-Verlag, Carl-Mannich-Str. 26, D-65760 Eschborn or to Prof. Dr. H. Derendorf, College of Pharmacy, P.O.Box 100 494, Gainesville, FL. 32610-0494, USA. The manuscript (with one copy) should be typewritten or printed by computer, double-spaced (max. 30 lines every page), with a 4 cm margin on one side of the paper. Articles are considered for publication depending on their interest and value and with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are submitted exclusively to the journal Die Pharmazie. Submission of a textfile on computer disc is requested after acceptance of the respective paper. Electronic submissions are not acceptable in general.
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    2. All manuscripts are subject to experts review. Additional correctour may be done by the editors.

    3. 30 Offprints of each article are delivered free of charge. Additional copies may be ordered on account in the proof stage of the article.

    4. The quotation of registered names, trade names, trademarks, etc. in this journal does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
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    Preparation of manuscripts

    In order to achieve uniform presentation and to avoid unnecessary delays because of further inquries, all authors are requested to observe the following guidelines:

    1. Below the title, the surname(s) of the author(s) with initials should be given without academic and professional degrees. The full address of the author for correspondence should appear below author names. Details on the institution where the work was done are requested and should be given above the title.
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    2. Each manuscript should start with an abstract, containing the most essential results of the study. Extensive review papers and articles for continuous education should be preceded by an outline of topics.

    Papers should be subdivided into chapters and subchapters according to the decimal system (e.g. 2.1.3.).

    3. To achieve clarity and brevity of the presentation, original contribuitons should be subdivided after the abstract (see 2.) as
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    1. Introduction: This should indicate the question under investigation which is generally based on a brief interpretation of the literature considering the current state of knowledge in the subfield and explaining the necessary theoretical foundations.

    2. Investigations and results or synthesis of compounds: Methods should only be described generally (see "Experimental"), referring to previous or analogous studies. The presentation of results should be precise, with necessary formulas (numbered in sequence with Arabic numerals), diagrams, tables and figures added separately (together with the legend) to the manuscripts. Numerical values of results should generally be presented either in tables or curves (please mark statistical limits).
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    3. Discussion (unless covered by 2. as Investigations, results and discussion): It should not repeat results already given, but should state the conclusions drawn from the results or provide a theoretical debate and comparison with literature citations.

    4. Experimental: This part describes briefly the detailed experimental conditions. Unless directions taken from literature have been modified, it suffices to refer to the original source. In the case of well known inorganic or organic compounds chemical formulae or common abbrevations may be used (e.g. NaCI, H2SO4, CH3OH, C6H6: Ac, Eth, Me, Phe, DMSO) under "Experimental". In other parts of the paper this is not desirable.
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    Results of elemental analyses can be omitted if it is stated that all the results were in an acceptable error range.

    4. Short communications are published as rapidly as possible. The length of a manuscript is limited to 100 lines (including short summary; subdivisions are not required; the "Experimental" - if there is one - should be marked), up to 15 citations of literature and a maximum of 2 supplementary materials (schemes, figures, tables) are allowed.
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    5. Only the surnames of authors are given in the text. When there are more than two authors, only the name of the first one is used, followed by et al.

    6. References in the text have to be cited by author and year, if there are three or more authors, use et al. (Miller 1997; Miller and Smith 2000; Miller et al. 2001). If the year is the same for several references identify these with a, b, c etc (Smith 1998a; Smith 1998b etc.) both in the text and in the reference list. At the end of the paper, references are listed in alphabetical order under the first authors surname. If there are several references to items with the same first author, arrange these chronologically regardless the alphabetical order of the co-authors ("alphabetic-chronological" order).
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    Journal names should be abbreviated according to "Index Medicus" (Medline) or "Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index".

    Quotations have to follow the following style:

    Journal articles:

    Lee J (2002) Formulation development of epidermal growth factor. Pharmazie 57: 787 – 790.

    Lee EB, Shin KH, Woo WS (1984) Pharmacological study on piperine. Arch Pharm Res 7: 127 - 132.
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    If each issue of a journal has its own pagination the issue number should be indicated in brackets after the volume number.

    Books/Book chapters

    Krishan K, Andersen ME (1994) Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling in toxicology. In: Hayes W (ed.) Principles and methods of toxicology, 3rd ed., New York, p. 149 – 187

    Patent specifications have to be listed according to the abbreviations of the Worlds Patent Office. e.g. DE = Germany, EP = European Patent Organization, FR = France, GB = Great Britain, JP = Japan, US = USA.
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    If each issue of a journal has its own pagination the issue number should be indicated in brackets after the volume number.

    8. For the identification of pharmaceutical substances, the International Nonproprietary Names (INN) proposed or recommended

    by the WHO should be used. Registered Trade Marks (usually indicated with R; in an article this sign should only be used when it

, 百拇医药     is first mentioned or used in the summary), trivial names and chemical nomenclature can be added.

    9. Nomenclature and spelling should conform to the directions given by IUPAC and IUB [see Pharmazie 33, 622 (1978)]. Spelling

    of medical terms should conform to Pschyrembel, W.: Klinisches W鰎terbuch, 257, Ed., de Gruyter, Berlin 1993.

    10. Units of measurement are determined by the directions of the International Units System SI as symbols; M instead of mol/l or
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    mol * l-1 is allowed

    11. Botanical names (species, genus) should be marked in italics.

    12. The following abbreviations should be used consequently (except in the title and all subtitles). All other abbreviations have to

    be explained in the manuscript at first usage, if aforementioned directions are not applicable. Abs. = absolute: anh. = anhydrous;
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    b.p.; b.r. = boiling point, -range; calcd. = calculated; CC = column chromatography; conc. = concentrated; dec. = decomposition ,eq. = equation; Fig. = figure; GC = gas chromatography, - chromatogram, HPLC = high performance liquid chromatography, -

    chromatogram; i.m. = intramuscular; i.p. = intraperitoneal; IR = infrared; i.v. = intravenous; m.p.; m.r. = melting point, -range; MS

    = mass spectometry, mass spectrum; NMR = nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum; PC = paper chromatography, -
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    chromatogram, % = per cent, percentage, p.o. = peroral; s.c. = subcutaneous; TLC = thin layer chromatography, - chromatogram;

    UV = ultraviolet.

    13. Footnotes must be numbered consecutively and are to be added separately to the manuscript. They are printed following the


    14. Dedications (e.g., on the occasion of the 60th or higher birthday) should be inserted between author(s) and summary.
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    15. Additions to legends of table should be marked by *,**,*** or a,b,c,d etc.

    16. Figures have to be of sufficient quality for reproduction process. Even after size reduction the figures' key has to be easy to

    read. Manuscripts containing figures of insufficient quality cannot be accepted. Special arrangements can be made for Colour

    reproduction of figures. Note that the additional costs must be paid by the author.

    http://www.govi.de/pharmazie.htm, 百拇医药