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     王坤 张军伟

    摘 要:目的:观察MEBO在鼻甲切除术应用的治疗效果.方法:自1998年8月至2000年1月于23鼻甲切除术后应用MEBO换药,并与传统方法换药组21例从粘膜修复情况和修复天数进行比较.结果:应用MEBO换药粘膜修复情况好于传统换药,修复时间明显缩短.结论:MEBO具有止痛、抗感染、避免鼻甲与鼻中隔粘连、明显缩短创面愈合时间的优点。


    分类号:R765.21 文献标识码:B


    Experience with MEBO in Treating Wounds Post Turbinetomy

    Wang kun(the Ist People's Hos-pital of Rongcheng City, Shandong Province 264300)

    Zhang Jun-weu(the Ist People's Hos-pital of Rongcheng City, Shandong Province 264300)

    Abstract:Objective: To evaluate the effect of MEBO in treating wounds post turbinetmy. Method:44 patients were divided randomly into MEBO group and traditional thergpy group(as control).Result:Comparison between the effi-cacy of the two groups revealed that MEBO had good analgesic, analgesic, anti-infective and adhesion of the nasal septum and turbinate was avoided. Wound healing time was shortened . Conclusion: MEBOtreatment is superior to traditional therapy in treating wounds post turbinetomy

    Keywords:MEBO Tubinetomy

    作者简介:王坤 (1972- ),男 (汉族 ),山东荣城人,山东滨州医学院毕 业,医师 . 张军伟 (1972- ),男 (汉族 ),山东荣城人,山东泰山医学院 毕业,主治医师 .

    作者单位:王坤(荣城市人民医院 山东 荣城工业264300)

    张军伟(荣城市人民医院 山东 荣城工业264300)


    [1]王久荣.MEBO在治疗植物性日光皮炎致皮肤溃疡的临床应用.中国烧伤创疡杂志,1999.(1): 29.

    [2]曲云英王远平等.MEBO抗感染机理的实验研究.中国烧伤创疡杂志,1996,(1): 19.

    [3]龙剑虹.MEBO治疗烧伤肉芽创面的临床观察.中国烧伤创疡杂志,1994,(3): 22
