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朱小源 胡栋才
摘 要:目的:确定MEBT治疗时适宜的创周环境温度范围。方法:分析98例面积为15-45%TBSA的深Ⅱ度浅型和深Ⅱ度深型烧伤患者在不同环境温度下的治疗效果,从创面开始液化时间、创面愈合时间和创面发生结痂或感染的例数三个方面进行统计对比分析。结果:在创周环境温度为31±1℃时的MEBO药物疗效明显优于温度为28±1℃时。结论:运用MEBT治疗时的适宜创周环境温度为31±1℃。
分类号:R282 710 文献标识码:A
Clinical Analysis of the Effect of Wound Environment Temperature on the Efficacy of MEBT
Zhu Xiao-yuan(The Hospital,of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanchang City Jiangxi Province 330003)
Hu Dong-cai(The Hospital,of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Nanchang City Jiangxi Province 330003)
Abstract:Objective: To find out a suitable range of environment temperature for MEBT Method: The efficacy of MEBT in treating 98 cases of 15 to 45% TBSA superficial type deep 2nd degree burn and deep type deep 2nd degree burn at different environment temperature was analyzed. Wound liquefaction starting time, wound healing time and wound scab formation or infection rate were compared. Results: MEBO showed better efficacy at an environment temperature of 31± 1oC than at 28± 1oC. Conclusion: When MEBY is applied, it is better to create an environment temperature of 31± 1oC.
Keywords:Wound environment temperature MEBT/MEBO
作者简介:朱小源 (1948- ),男 (汉族 ),南昌人,江西医学院毕业,副主任医师 . 胡栋才 (1955- ),男 (汉族 ),江西波阳人,副主任医师
作者单位:朱小源(南昌市中西医结合医院江西南昌 330003)
胡栋才(江西省卫生学校江西南昌 330029)
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