当前位置: 首页 > 期刊 > 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》 > 2001年第2期 > 正文


     黄国林 林忠生

    摘 要:目的:观察MEBO治疗肛裂的疗效。方法:对Ⅰ、Ⅱ期肛裂单独使用MEBO治疗,Ⅲ期肛裂行肛管后正中松解术,术后创面用MEBO油纱条治疗。结果:42例病人肛门疼痛、出血症状消失,创面Ⅰ期愈合。结论:MEBO可减轻肛门疼痛,促进创面再生与修复,防止瘢痕形成,方法简便,疗程短。


    分类号:R657.14 文献标识码:B


    Experience with MEBO in Treating 42 Cases of Anal Fissure Huang

    Guo-lin(Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Cenxi City, Guangxi 543200)

    Lin Zhong-shen(Hospital of Chinese Medicine, Cenxi City, Guangxi 543200)

    Abstract:Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of MEBO on treating anal fissure. Method: Primary and secondary fissure could be treated with MEBO alone. Tertiary fissure was subjected to operation and then the wounds were treated with MEBO gauze. Result: 42 patients had pain and bleeding stopped. Wounds healed by first intention. Conclusion: MEBO can relive pain, promote wound regeneration and repair, prevent scar formation. It is easy to use. The treating course is short.

    Keywords:MEBO; Anal fissure

    作者简介:黄国林 (1969- ),男 (汉族 ),广西岑溪市人,广西中医学院 毕业,医师 . 林忠生 (1963- ),男 (汉族 ),广西岑溪市人,广西医科大学 毕业,主治医师 .

    作者单位:黄国林(广西岑溪市中医院广西岑溪市 543200)

    林忠生(广西岑溪市中医院广西岑溪市 543200)



    [2]赵立明.等.MEBO用于肛门术后创口的疗效观察.中国烧伤创疡杂志,1996.(1): 39.

    [3]刑东明.促进皮肤创面愈合及抗感染作用的实验研究中国烧伤创疡杂志,1989,(1): 51.
