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http://www.100md.com 《中华现代外科学杂志》 2004年第2期
     【摘要】 目的 采用犬骨桡骨节段性缺损模型,观察骨优导(rhBMP-2加载体)对节段性骨缺损的修复作用。方法 于30只杂种狗左侧桡骨中段造成2cm缺损,将模型随机分为空白对照组(K组,6只)、载体组(Y组,6只)、骨优导低、中、高三个剂量治疗组(分别为S1组、S2组和S3组),通过放射学和组织学等手段检查。结果 骨优导作为一种含rhBMP的载体植入物,对于犬桡骨缺损模型,X线片以及X线片评分显示植入1M后,即可见骨痂长入缺损,钙盐沉积,X线片示透光区减少;植入3M,缺损桥接,骨折愈合;通过骨矿无机盐测定,骨优导三个剂量组有促进骨矿盐沉积的作用;犬骨痂组织学评分显示骨优导有促进骨痂形成和骨折愈合的作用。结论 骨优导是修复骨缺损的一种较理想材料。

    关键词 骨形态发生蛋白 骨缺损

    Study on segmental bone defect repaired with bone morphogenetic protein and polymer scaffold

    Feng Wei,Zhou Qi,Qian Niandong,et al.

    Shanghai Munieipal Institute of Bone Injury,shanghai200025.

    【Abstract】 Objective To examine the effect of GuYouDao(rhBMP-2and scaffold)on the healing of bone deˉfect of adult dogs.Methods Twenty-millimeter-long bone defects were created in thirty dogs on the left middle radial shaft.The animals were randomly assigned to one of five groups(six dogs each one)and treatedwith different implantaˉtion:K nothing as control;Y scaffold alone;S1high doseGuYu;S2middle dose GuYu;S3low dose GuYouDao.All aniˉmals were then evaluated with histological and radiological methods at1 ......

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