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http://www.100md.com 《中华中西医杂志》 2004年第13期
     【摘要】 目的 探寻降低食管癌术后心肺并发症及胸内吻合口瘘发生率,提高病人的术后生存质量的手术方式。方法 将食管癌切除后需行主动脉弓上吻合的病例,采用经食管床内颈部食管胃吻合。结果 该术式术后并发症发生率较低(7.2%),心肺功能恢复好;吻合口瘘少(2.9%)且无明显中毒症状,经颈部引流可获得治愈,术后生活质量提高。结论 本术式符合食管癌治疗原则,优于主动脉弓上吻合。

    关键词 食管癌切除 食管床内 颈部吻合

    The clinical observation on esophygus-stamoch cervix anastomosis

    through esophygus bed:486cases

    Liang Yaofei,Zhang Yongxue,Sun Junfeng

    The People’s Hospital of Binzhou256610.

    【Abstract】 Objective To explore the method of operation in reducing the incidence of stoma fistula in chest,cardiopulmonary complications and improve the patient’s quality of life after the esophygus cancer operation.Methods A esophygus-stamoch cervix anastomose through esophygeal bed was carried out on patients whose esophygus canˉcer had been resected instead of anastomosis above arch of aorta.Results After this method of operation ......

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