【摘要】 我国社会医疗保险制度的实施,给医院从观念到体制都带来了极大冲击,同时也给医院带来了机遇。医院要适应外界环境变化,抓住机遇,首先要从观念和体制上进行调整。设置医院医保办,正是医院进行管理体制调整的一个缩影。本研究分析了医疗保险实施后医院新增的工作内容,完成工作任务所需设置的岗位,并在综合分析6类人群268个个体对医院医保办设置模式、隶属关系、人员配备意愿及目前医保办设置情况基础上,对医院医保办组织结构和功能提出了建议。本文介绍了研究背景、目的、思路、研究方法及结论。关键词 组织结构 医院管理 医疗保险
Studies on the organization structure and function
of the Dept.of medical insurance management of hospital
Li Xiujuan,Wu Yanming,Zhou Haiyang,et al.
Shanghai Changzheng Hospital,Shanghai20003.
【Abstract】 The innovation of health care system in our country has brought great challenge and opportunity to hospital.How to meet the challenge and grasp the opportunity?It is necessary to adjust the idea and management sysˉtem of the hospital.In this study,the authors analyzed the tasks of hospital after the innovation of health car system ......
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