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http://www.100md.com 《中华中西医杂志》 2004年第22期
     【摘要】 目的 研究分析不同付费方式住院病人医药费用的结构及抗感染药物使用药上存在的差别。方法 计算机采集电子病例,进行多中心、自身对照分析。结果 不同付费方式病人支付费用的大小排序为医保、公费、自费、包干和军费,抗感染药物的使用,公费病人用药同军费病人有显著差异。结论 在军队医院的公费和医保病人享受卫生福利水平较高,军费病人相对较低。

    关键词 费用分析 不同付费方式 抗感染药物

    Xu Jingfeng,Qing Jinhong,Song Ruihua

    General hospital of Beijing military command,Beijing100700.

    【Abstract】 Objective Analysing and comparing expenditure structure and antibiotic use of inpatients with different payment patterns.Methods Collecting dates from medical records by computer,and study was designed acˉcording principles of multi-center and self-control.Results In military hospitals,expenditures are different beˉtween inpatients with different payment patterns,cost of patients with health insurance is the highest,followed by paˉtients with public health services and patients paying at their own expense ......

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