【摘要】 目的 总结并分析36例患者于血液透析后即刻行动静脉内瘘吻合手术及其方法与效果。方法 回顾性分析36例终末期尿毒症患者行动静脉内瘘吻合术的临床资料。结果36例均为在前臂行端端吻合,一次手术成功36例,成功率97.2%,均能保证透析所需血流量要求。结论 血液透析后即刻行动静脉内瘘吻合术,便利患者,经济实用,手术方式实用易行,内瘘手术成功率高。关键词 血液透析 吻合术 动静脉内瘘
36Cases of arteriovenous anastomosis shortly after hemodiaysis
Liang Baozhong,Feng Yagao,Li Qingzhou,et al.
The252nd Hospital of PLA,Baoding071000.
【Abstract】 Objective To report36cases using the methods and clinical effectwith internal arteriovenous fisˉtulas after shortly hemodialysis.Methods 36internal arteriovenous fistulas for patients with end stage uremia were analyzed in this retrospective study.Results In36cases ......
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