【摘要】 目的 为了探讨胰十二指肠切除术(PD)后腹腔出血并发症的原因,从而预防该并发症和提高该并发症的诊治水平。方法 回顾性地分析150例PD术后7例并发腹腔出血的原因,介绍我院处理该并发症的方法与体会。结果 7例腹腔出血患者2例经非手术治愈,死亡5例中3例直接死于出血性休克,2例死于MOF或感染性休克。结论 为降低该并发症的发生率必须加强各种预防措施;早期出血保守治疗无效时应果断施行二次手术止血,而晚期出血多因腹腔感染,胰、胆瘘等引起之“腐蚀性出血”,故对剖腹探查止血必须慎重。关键词 胰十二指肠切除术 腹腔出血 保守疗法 手术治疗
Analysis of the complication of abdominal cavity hemorrhage post pancreatoduo denectomy
Li Yinshan,Yang Jierun,Zhu Shande,et al.
Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery,PLA ShenYang General Hospital,Liaoning110016
【Abstract】 Objective To inquire the cause of the complication of abdominal cavity hemonrrhage post PD and to prevent this complication and to heighten diagnostic and therapeutic level.Methods Of the150PD cases7paˉtients occured abdominal carity hemorrhage postoperatively.The bleeding cause post PD cases was analyzed retrospecˉtively and introduced our practical experience with treat this complication.Results Two cases recovered by consevaˉtive therapy and five cases died in seven cases with hemorrhagic complication.In dead cases ......
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