【摘要】 本文分析了人们对表面风光的医疗卫生事业怨声载道的原由,告知社会当前国有医院发展中的困窘境况及无奈,呼吁社会各界对医疗卫生事业给予关心,希望把医疗卫生事业真正办成社会保健保障的事业。关键词 医院 发展
State-owned hospital in a paradox
Deng Yijian
Department of Finance,The First Affiliated Hospital of Jinan University,Guangzhou510630
【Abstract】 To tell the people why complaints hearted everywhere on medical and health service in our coun-try,to analyze the embarrasment and the have-no-choice in state-owned hospitals development today.Call on the community to pay more attention to the medical and health service,to lead the medical and health service to become community health care support.
Key words hospital development
多少年来,不少人以“社会的发展以道德沦落为代价”形容医疗卫生事业。要不是去年的SARS,医院已成为社会群起而攻之的对象。但人们包括政府有关部门,有几个人能真正了解当前国有医院本身亦处于困窘和重重矛盾之中。医院怎样才能发展、医院应如何发展,成了当前大部分国有医院院长头痛的问题。无论是政府和人们还是医院的院长们,都希望把医疗行业真正的发展好。但谈何容易!正如哲学家说 ......
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