【摘要】 目的 了解产后产妇疼痛的原因,为患者提供整体护理。 方法 根据国际上常用MeGill疼痛问卷法,总结2003年3月~2004年6月,在我院分娩的352例产妇的疼痛情况,分析致产后疼痛的原因,并找出护理对策。 结果 造成产妇产后疼痛的原因主要有伤口痛(55.68%)、产后痔(29.83%)和乳房胀痛(19.03%)。其疼痛程度主要为Ⅰ~Ⅱ级,Ⅰ级为59.09%、Ⅱ级42.90%、Ⅲ级2.56%。 结论 在护理产后产妇的过程中,根据产后疼痛的原因、程度提供护理对策,可促进身心健康。关键词 产后 疼痛
Analysis on causes of postpartum pain and countermeasures
Peng Zongxiu
Maternal and Infant Health Hospital of Xiangxi Autonomous,Jishou416000.
【Abstract】 Objective To find out causes of postpartum pain,and countermeasures for it.Methods Accord-ing to daily MeGill painful questionnaire,the painful degree and causes were assessed in352parturients between March2003and June2004.And nursing measures were employed for relieving the pain of parturients.Results The causes of pain were included postpartum incision pain(55.68%) ......
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