【摘要】 目的 总结控制全营养液中热卡在患儿肠外营养(TPN)治疗中的应用。 方法 回顾分析150例患儿肠外营养的治疗方法和疗效。 结果 150例中145例顺利通过营养支持治疗,2例出现高血糖并发症,2例出现静脉炎,1例死亡。 结论 患儿在进行肠外营养治疗时,在保证各种营养要素的比例前提下,适当控制全营养液中热卡,能达到营养支持和预防肠外营养治疗并发症的目的。关键词 营养液 小儿 肠外营养
Controlling calorie in total nutrient solution in management of children patients underwent total parenteral nutrition therapy
Xu chaoliang
SectionⅡof Surgery Department,Puning Overseas Chinese Hospital,Guangdong515300
【Abstract】 Objective To summarize effectiveness of comtrolling calorie in total nutrient solution in the manage-ment of children patients underwent total parenteral nutrition(TPN)therapy.Methods 150children patients underwent TPN therapy were retrospectively analyzed.Results Of145cases were successfully finished TPN therapy ......
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