【摘要】 目的 了解脑手术治疗海洛因依赖的效果。方法 用立体定向术对35例海洛因依赖者做“成瘾环路”(ad-dictive circle)及伏隔核(nucleus accumbens,NAc)的损毁术。手术前后进行海洛因心理依赖及觅药行为自评量表及智商和记忆商数等测定,对手术的效果和不良反应进行观察。
结果 术后患者心理依赖消失或明显减轻,第一周智商和记忆力商数下降,第2周开始恢复,术后24例有短时间尿失禁,10例有大便失禁,2周后恢复。 结论 “成瘾环路”及伏隔核毁损术是治疗海洛因心理依赖有效且不良反应小的方法。
关键词 海洛因 依赖 立体定向手术 伏隔核
The study of destroy of the addictive circle and nucleus accumbens
to cure heroin dependence Guo Shenchang,Cheng Liangzheng,Wang Xianchang,et al.
Guangdong999Brain Hospital,Guangzhou510510.
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the effects of surgery therapy in heroin dependence.Methods The stereo-taxic destroy of the addictive circle and nucleus accumbens were performed in35patients with heroin dependence.The heroin psychological dependence and drug-seeking behavior were measured by self-access paradigm,the intelligence quotient and memory quotient were quantified.Meanwhile the effects and side effects of surgery were analysed.Results The psychological dependence of patients were alleviated evidently or even disappeared after surgery.The intelli-gence quotient and memory quotient reduced in first week and turned to recovering in second week.The symptom of temporary urinary incontinence appeared in24patients ......
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