【摘要】 目的 探讨肺动静脉瘘(PAVM)的介入治疗方法和疗效。 方法 对7例经影像学明确诊断的PAVM采用超选择性插管栓塞治疗,即时造影复查栓塞效果。栓塞材料使用弹簧钢圈、无水乙醇或明胶海绵。术后随访1~5年。 结果 7例PAVM中简单型4例,复杂型3例;发现病变(畸形血管团)16处(16/7),供血动脉23支(23/7),其中1支(1/23/7)为支气管动脉参与供血。栓塞全部靶血管(23/23),其中使用弹簧钢圈者17支(17/23),无水乙醇加明胶海绵条者4支(4/23),单纯使用无水乙醇者2支(2/23)。栓塞术后临床症状明显改善和消失者分别为14%(1/7)和86%(6/7),血氧饱和度升高至96%~100%,无异位栓塞等并发症发生。住院及随访期内无PAVM复发,生活质量明显提高。2例HHT并发鼻衄者经上颌及面动脉栓塞治疗后痊愈。 结论 介入栓塞治疗PAVM简便安全、疗效可靠,应作为该病的首选治疗方法。关键词 肺动静脉瘘 介入放射学 栓塞
The interventional treatment of pulmonary arteriovenous malformations
Yang Sifu,Wang Yong,Huang Pingbo,et al.
Department of Radiology,the General Hospital of Zhongyuan Oil Field,Puyang,Henan457001.
【Abstract】 Objective To study the methods and the value of the interventional treatment of pulmonary arteri-ovenous malformations.Methods 7cases with pulmonary arteriovenous malformations were diagnosed by the medical imaging and putting the catheter to the site of the malformations through the pulmonary artery selectively.After treat-ment DSA showed that the malformations were closed.The materials include spring embolic,pure alcohol and clear gum sponge.All patients after treatment were followed at most5years and at least1year.Results 4persons are be-longing to simple type ......
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