【摘要】 目的 采用种植体作为固定装置,从形态学角度初步探讨种植体固定与脱钙牙本质基质(DDM)植入的改良三明治增高牙槽嵴术的应用可能性。 方法 杂交家犬6只,随机分为3组,每组2只。拔除所有的前磨牙,在下颌前磨牙区,施种植体固定的改良三明治增高牙槽嵴术。在术后4周、9周、14周依次处死2只动物,所有标本都经大体观察、放射连续检查、电镜观察、计算机定量组织学研究。 结果 采用种植体固定和DDM植入的改良三明治术增高牙槽嵴(2.98±0.18)mm,14周后,DDM已基本吸收形成骨,种植体在骨升段与三明治段的骨接触率经统计学检验差异无显著性。 结论 种植体固定和DDM植入的改良三明治术是治疗萎缩牙槽嵴一种可采用的方法,为将来临床研究提供了客观依据。关键词 种植体 三明治术 牙槽嵴增高术
Study of alveolar ridge augment of modified sandwich techniques retented by implants upon dogs—morphological measurement
Liu Bin,Lu Xianxin,Cen Yuankun
Stomatology Hospital of Lanzhou University,Lanzhou730000.
【Abstract】 Objective This study evaluated the effect of modified sandwich technique characterized by im-plant retention and DDM implantation through morphological measurement.It is expected that the outcome of this study may provide evidence of application.Methods 6dogs were divided into three groups by random.All the pre-molars were extracted and modified sandwich technique characterized by implant retention and DDMwere operated.4weeks,9weeks,14weeks later ......
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