【摘要】 目的 总结全胃切除治疗胃癌的经验。 方法 笔者对1979~1999年间的全胃切除术式治疗胃癌25例临床资料进行回顾性分析。 结果 根治性全胃切除21例,姑息性全胃切除4例。合并远侧胰、脾、横结肠、部分肝切除16例。术后,1,3,5年生存率分别为75%,40%和20.8%。 结论 严格掌握手术适应证,恰当的选择切口,合理准确淋巴清除范围和联合脏器切除,选用最佳的消化道重建方式,是影响全胃切除治疗胃癌疗效的重要因素。【关键词】 胃肿瘤 胃切除术 消化道重建
Treatment of gastric carcinoma by total gastrectomy:a report of25cases
Huang Xuguang,Pan Xiaoming.
Department of General Surgery,Lechang First People's Hospital,Guangdong512200.
【Abstract】 Objective To summarize the experience of gastric cancer treated with total gastrectomy(TGC).Methods We made a retrospective analysis on clinical data of25patients with gastric cancer treated with TGC from1979to1999.Results Radical total gastretomy was performed in25cases,palliative total gastrectomy in5,ombinedwithdistalpancreectomysplenecto ......
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