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http://www.100md.com 《北京生物医学工程》 1999年第2期

     刘芳 刘仲明 广州军区广州总医院医学实验科(510010) 北京生物医学工程 1999 0 18 2

    关键词:一氧化氮;新生儿;肺动脉高压 期刊 bjswyxgc 0 临床生物医学工程 fur -->


摘 要 目的:低浓度一氧化氮吸入可选择性降低肺动脉高压,对于不能自主呼吸的病人(如新生儿持续肺动脉高压),一氧化氮吸入法的机械呼吸方式的推广,是十分必要的。方法:采用NEWPORT150婴儿呼吸机,通过改变治疗气中NO浓度,观察小儿肺动脉高压的改善状况。结果:9例患儿吸入15~20ppmNO,7例低氧症状改善,吸入30分钟后,动脉血氧显著增加。结论:吸入低浓度NO治疗气,可有效治疗新生儿持续肺动脉高压。

Treatment of Inhalation of NitricOxide with Mechanical Respiration

Liu Fang,Liu Zhongming

    (General Hospital of Guangzhou Unit of PLA,510010)


    Objective:Inhalation of nitric oxide(NO) is a selective pulmonary vasodilator, but somepatients can not breath spontaneously without assistance (in such cases as the persistepulmonary hypertension of newborns), so treat ment of inhalation of nitric oxide withmechanical respiration is important. Method: The using of NEWPORT 150 to study theefficacy for newborns with persistent pulmonary hypertension (PPHN) by adjusting the NOdosage. Results: Inhalation of NO of 1520 ppm for 30 minutes, 7 infants out of 9 showedsignificant. Oxygen improvement in blood. Conclusion:Inhalation of NO of low concentrationis a very effective method for PPHN.


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