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http://www.100md.com 《临床放射学杂志》 2000年第2期

     谢明辉 张芳 王承缘 谢明辉(四川省宜宾市第一人民医院MR室 644000); 张芳(武汉,同济医科大学附属同济医院MR室 430030); 王承缘(武汉,同济医科大学附属同济医院MR室 430030) 临床放射学杂志 2000 0 19 2

    关键词:胸椎;小关节增生;脊髓压迫症;MRI 期刊 lcfsxzz 0 骨骼肌肉放射学 fur -->


摘 要:目的 胸椎小关节增生可以引起椎管狭窄,本文旨在探讨其MRI表现且与脊髓异常之间的关系,以达到早期诊断、治疗。材料与方法 对11例共30处胸椎小关节骨质增生伴有胸段脊髓异常的病例进行回顾性分析。结果 其中单个小关节增生4例,多个增生7例,单侧发生8处,双侧发生22处;脊髓囊变1例,软化1例,脊髓空洞症10例。椎管狭窄可分为4度。结论 胸椎小关节骨质增生与脊髓异常之间存在一定关系,MRI检查可以早期明确诊断,并防止脊髓进一步损害,但必须与脊髓炎及黄韧带肥厚相鉴别。


Facet Hypertrophy of Thoracic Spine and MyelopathyA Study with MRI

XIE Minghui, ZHANG Fang, WANG Chengyuan

    (MR Division, No.1 People's Hospital, Yibin City, Sichuan Province 644000, P.R.China)

ABSTRACTObjective Facet hypertrophy may induce spinal stenosis. This study is aimed to discuss the MRI appearances of facet hypertrophy, and its relationship with myelopathy in order to make early diagnosis.Materials and Methods Thirty lesions seen in 11 patients with facet hypertrophy of thoracic spine and myelopathy were analyzed retrospectively.Results Four patients had single and 8 patients had multiple facet hypertrophy. Of 30 lesions, 8 located unilaterally and 22 bilaterally. Cyst formation of the cord and myelomalacia were found in 1 case each, while syringomyelia in 10 cases. Spinal stenosis was classified into 4 grades. Conclusion Severe facet hypertrophy of thoracic spine may induce myelopathy. MRI can make an early diagnosis thus some clinical measures can be made to prevent it from worsening.


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