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http://www.100md.com 《口腔医学纵横》 1999年第4期
     邬继东 项立新 李森 丁亚莉 杭州(310013)浙江医院口腔科 口腔医学纵横 1999 0 15 4

    关键词:根管预备方法;塑化;根管预备器械 期刊 kqyxzh 0 临床研究论著 fur -->


摘要 目的: 探讨塑化失败后根管再通的有效方法。方法: 对79例83只牙184只根管塑化失败后的患牙分别采用手用法、机用法、超声法进行根管再通,并按此三种根管预备法分为三组进行比较。结果: 机用法比手用法和超声法成功率高(0.01结论: 对直根管宜采用机用法,对弯曲根管宜采用手用或超声法。

     中图分类号 R780.1

A comparative studyon preparation techniques for

    canals after resinifying therapy.

Wu Jidong, Xiang Lixin, Li Sen et al.

    Dept of Stomatology, ZheJiang Hospital,Hangzhou 310013

Abstract Objective: Toassess the effectiveness of three preparation methods for canals after resinifyingtherapy. Methods: 184 canals after resinifing therapy were prepared byhand,enginedriven and ultrasonic techniques. Results: The canals numbersuccessfully prepared by enginedriven endodontic instrument were significantly more thanthe other two groups;There were no statistically significant differences between hand andultrasonic technique. The canals of anterior teeth and premolars were prepared byenginedriven technique much more successfully than that of molars. Conclusions: Itis effetive that we use enginedriven technique for straight canals and hand for curvedafter resinifying therapy.


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