摘要 为了解不同运动方式对兔膝退变关节软骨的形态学和关节功能的影响。以新西兰白兔为研究对象,采用左后膝伸直位管型石膏固定8周的方法建立OA动物模型,通过施加主动活动、被动活动、主动加被动活动,自由活动等运动处理因素,观察X线检查、关节活动度、生物力学特性和软骨组织的形态学改变。结果显示:(1)关节制动可诱发关节软骨退变,运动对退变软骨具有保护和促进修复作用。(2)主动活动利于OA病情逆转,被动活动可促进关节活动功能恢复,两者结合效果最佳。认为适宜的运动方式和强度对退变关节软骨具有促进修复和保护作用,并可增加关节稳定性。
An Observation ofthe Histomorphology and Function of Movement in lmmobilized Rabbit's Knee Joints
Huang Tao,Huang Changlin.
The 150th Central Hospital of PLA,L uoyang, Henan, 471031
Abstract Authors studied the influence of different wayof movement on the knee joint histomorphology and function of the rabbit suffer ing from osteoarthritis(OA). Taking New Zealands white rabbits as our study ob jects, we builtsome OA animal mode by fixing the rabbits' left posterior knee joint in st retching stateinto plaster casts for 8 weeks. After imposing active movement, p assive movement,active-passive movement and free movement on the knee joint, we have made an X-rayexamination of the knee joint, and tried to observe the chan g e in the movement degree ofthe joint and in the biomechanics features, we also observed the influence of movementupon the morphology of arthrochondritis. Resu lts showed that joint immobilization canevoke arthrochondritis degeneration, wh ile mov ement can serve to protect and repairdegenerated arthrochondritis, active movem ent is good for the OA disease reversion andpassive movement can help to restor e the function of knee joint.A combination of the twowill bring about best res ult. Authors consider that proper models of movement and properdegree can prote ct and recover arthrochondritis, and make the joint more stable.
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