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http://www.100md.com 《骨与关节损伤杂志》 1999年第4期
     王子平 龚敏 朱汉光 瞿芸 上海市南江县周浦医院 201318 骨与关节损伤杂志 1999 0 0 4

    关键词:胸腰椎爆裂型骨折;手术治疗;非手术治疗 期刊 gygjsszz 0 论著 fur -->


摘要 68例胸腰段(T12 ~L2 )爆裂型骨折行手术或非手术治疗。A组(手术组)44例,使用Dick钉固定,B组(非手术组)24例,卧木板床及石膏支具固定。A组后凸畸形(C obb)平均术前15.9°,随访8.6°;B组则分别为10.7°、13.3°。CT扫描椎管狭窄程度前者分别为40.8%、25.3%;后者26.0%、20.7%。脊髓神经功能Frankel分级,A组术前A级7例、B级1例、C级7例、D级12例,随访A级1例、C级1例、D级6例;B组伤后B级2例、D级1例,随访D级3例。疼痛程度两组无明显差异。B组损伤程度较轻,两组不能作统计学对比。提出早期手术治疗的指征。

A TreatmentAnalysis of Thoracolumbar Burst Fractures for 68 Cases

Wang Ziping,Gong Min,Zhu Hangguang,et al.

    Department of Orthopae dics,Zhoupu Hospital of Nanhui County,Shanghai,201318.

Abstract Sixty-eight cases with acute thoracolumbar(T 11~L2 )burst fractures were operatively or conservatively treated and the ir effect were analysed.Forty-four patients had surgical treatment by Dick Syst em in A group and 24patients had nonsurgical treatment such as bedrest plaste r brace in B grou p.Kyphosisangle measured with Cobb method was 15.9°before the operation and 8.6°at the finalfollow-up study in A group ......

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