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http://www.100md.com 《右江民族医学院学报》 1999年第2期
     付淑娟 山东省菏泽地区人民医院(菏泽 274031) 右江民族医学院学报 1999 0 21 2

    关键词:老年人;细胞;肺肿瘤;卡铂;足叶乙甙 期刊 yjmzyxyxb 0 论著与临床报道 fur -->


摘要 对35例高龄(>65岁)非小细胞肺癌采用小剂量连续多日给药的CE方案治疗,观察其疗效和毒副反应。结果CR2.8%,PR 31.4%,总有效率(CR+PR)34.3%。主要副反应为骨髓抑制,消化道及肝肾毒性轻微。认为CE方案对高龄非小细胞肺癌疗效与其他方案相近,毒副反应轻,可作为高龄非小细胞肺癌的首选方案。

Efficacy of CE regimen for non-small celllung cancer from the aged

Fu Shujuan

    Heze People's Hostital, Heze, Shandong. P.R.China 274031

From September 1994 to March 1996, 35 agedpatients (aged 65 and over)with non-small cell lung cancer received continuous, low doseCE regimen. Results showed that CR was 2.8%, PR was 31.4%, and the overall effective rate(CR+PR) was 34.3%. The major side reactions were myelosuppression-leukopenia and anemiabut the gastrointestinal tract reaction and the side effects to heart, liver and kidneywere small. Compared to other chemotherapy, the efficacy of CE regimen for non-small lungcancer was similar and the side reaction was few, so it should be the first consideredtherapy for this kind of disease.


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