指导:刘燕池 陈利国
摘要: 从动物实验的角度探讨了“肝失疏泄”的两个类型即肝气郁和肝气逆对小肠吸收功能的影响,运用酶组织化学技术和电镜技术,证明“肝失疏泄”证型在小肠肌电活动、吸收细胞的酶活性和吸收细胞的超微结构三方面均低于正常组,且肝气郁组显著低于肝气逆组。
Experimental Research on TCM Syndrome of Liver's Dysfunctionin Promoting the Free Movement of Qi on Intestinal Absorption
Zhang Qinyuan(张沁园)
(Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing 100029)
ABSTRACT: To discuss the two types of TCM syndromeof liver's dysfunction in promoting the free movement of qi, which are stagnation of liver-qi and adverse flow of liver-qi, on the intestinal absorption of experimental animalmodel. By the enzyme histochemical and electric microscopic technique, it was proved thatthe intestinal myoelectric activity, enzyme activity and ultrastructure of absorptive cellof the TCM syndrome were all lower than the normal group, and the group of liver-qistagnation was markedly lower than the liver-qi adverse flow group.
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