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http://www.100md.com 《蚌埠医学院学报》 1999年第6期
     杨培生 李宏为 蔡伟耀 233004 蚌埠医学院附属医院急诊外科(杨培生);上海第二医科大学附属瑞金医院(李宏为,蔡伟耀) 蚌埠医学院学报 1999 0 24 6

    关键词:硬化溶液;消痔灵;食管静脉曲张 期刊 bbyxyxb 0 基础医学 fur -->


摘要 目的:比较三种硬化剂的致硬化作用和局部毒性。方法:将152只SD大鼠随机分为5%鱼肝油酸钠组(n=48)、1%乙氧硬化醇组(n=48)、消痔灵注射液组(n=48)和对照组(n=8),每只大鼠以自身对照分别将三种硬化剂注入股静脉内及其周围,于注射后2 h~3周取静脉及其周围组织行组织学检查。结果:24 h后,5%鱼肝油酸钠组和1%乙氧硬化醇组均发生坏死性炎症伴明显中性粒细胞浸润;而消痔灵组发生“凝固性坏死”伴轻度炎细胞浸润。72 h后,肉芽组织开始修复并逐渐纤维化。消痔灵于静脉周围注射后产生更明显的纤维化;而静脉内注射则产生严重的淤血水肿和血栓形成。结论:消痔灵可能成为一种高效、并发症少的理想硬化剂。

    中国图书资料分类法分类号 R 571.3

Pathological changes after the intra or parafemoral vein injection of three sclerosants

Yang Peisheng,Li Hongwei,Cai Weiyao

    (Department of Emergency Surgery,Affiliated Hospital of Bengbu Medical College,Anhui 233004)

Abstract Objective :To compare the sclerotic and local toxic effect of the three sclerosants.Methods:One hundred and fifty-two Sprague-Dawley rats were divided at random into 4 groups:5% Sodium morrhuate group(n=48),1% Aethoxysclerol group(n=48),Xiaozhiling group(n=48) and control group(n=8).The three sclerosants were injected respectively into each group,through intra or parafemoral vein.The rats were killed for histopathological examination 2 hours3 weeks after injection.Results: In both 5% Sodium morrhuate group and 1% Aethoxysclerol group,necroinflammation occured accompanied by remarkable neutrophil infiltration;whereas in Xiaozhiling group,coagulation necrosis occured accompanied by slight neutrophil infiltration 24 hours after injection and 72 hours later fibrosis of the granulation tissue started to appear.Xiaozhiling induced remarkable dense fibrosis in the parafemoral injected veins,whereas very severe congestion,edema and thrombus were induced in the intrafemoral injected veins.Conclusions: Xiaozhiling is a high efficient with low complication sclerosant.


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