【摘要 】 目的 观察经体内低能量心房颤动(房颤)除颤术后不同电生理参数与房颤早期复发的关系。方法 对42例(男30例,女12例),平均年龄(60±11)岁的慢性房颤患者行经静脉体内R波同步双相电波除颤术并转为窦性心律后,有12例(29%)发生房颤早期复发(2分钟内)。对房颤早期复发患者和窦律维持患者的P波时限、房性早搏(房早)密度、房早耦联间期等进行了测量与分析。结果 12例房颤早期复发患者共53次成功转复窦律过程中,窦性心律平均维持(19.0±17.3)秒。该组患者房早密度为(8.7±11.9)次/min。与成功维持窦律者(2.5±2.2)次/min相比,房早密度差异有极显著性(P<0.001)。结论 经静脉体内低能量房颤转复是有效复律方法,但房颤早期复发仍是待解决的问题之一。房早密度可作为预计房颤早期复发的指标。强调除颤后抑制房早措施对预防房颤早发具有重要性。
Early reccurence ofatrial fibrillation after transvenous atrial defibrillation PAN Guang* , LAU Chupak, TSE Hungfat. * Division of Cardiology, Taishan Medical College, Taian, Shandong 271000
【 Abstract 】 Objective In patients with atrialfibrillation (AF), restoration of sinus rhythm offers both hemodynamic and thromboemboliccontrol, but may be limited by early recurrence of AF (ERAF) after external or transvenousatrial defibrillation (TAD). The purpose of this study was to assess the predictive valueof some electrophysiological parameters for ERAF. Methods Forty-two consecutive patients(30 males, 12 females, age 60±11 years) with AF underwent low energy TAD using R-wavesynchronized biphasic shocks delivered from a custom external atrial defibrillator withstep-up energy up to 400 Volts.Results Successful termination of AF by TAD was achieved in allpatients. However, ERAF(defined as spontaneous reinitiation of AF within 2 minutes aftersuccessful cardioversion) was observed in 12 patients (29%). Atrial premature contraction(APC) density (defined as the number of APCs divided by the duration of sinus rhythm up to2 minutes) was calculated and coupling time of APCs was measured for patients with ERAFand for those without. The mean duration for 53 episodes of sinus rhythm in 12 patientswith ERAF was 19.0±17.3 seconds. Patients with ERAF had significantly higher APC densitythan those without (8.7±11.9/min vs 2.5±2.2/min, P<0.001).Conclusion TAD is effective in converting AFto sinus rhythm, but ERAF occurs about 30% in patients with chronic AF. APC density may beused as a predictor for ERAF and failure of restoration of sinus rhythm. The findings ofthis study indicate that APC suppression, either by electrical pacing and/orpharmacological intervention, may be necessary for maintenance of sinus rhythm aftercardioversion.
【 Keywords 】 atrialfibrillation electriccountershock electrophysiology
心房颤动(房颤)是临床常见的心律失常 ......
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