【摘要】 目的 探讨心房扑动(房扑)病例电生理特点及采用射频消融治疗房扑的效果。方法 对26例房扑患者标测心房激动顺序,用隐匿拖带方法确定折返环部位。用长导引鞘作支撑,在心房内行线性消融方法治疗房扑。结果 26例房扑中23例折返环位于三尖瓣环部位,1例位于右心房游离壁部位,1例位于左心房,另1例在三尖瓣环及右心房游离壁部位各有一折返环。对20例临床上有房扑病史者行射频消融治疗,17例成功。典型房扑15例(包括1例有2个折返环的房扑),14例消融成功;不典型房扑6例,4例消融成功。结论 房扑的大折返环可采用心房激动顺序及隐匿拖带的方法确定其部位。用长导引鞘作支撑行线性消融是治疗房扑的安全有效的方法。
Electrophysiological characteristics and radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrialflutter Sun Yingxian, Chan Huibin, Zeng Dingyin, et al. Department of Cardiology,First Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang 110001
【Abstract】 Objective This study was to analyse the electrophysiologicalcharacteristics of atrial flutter (AF) and evaluate the result of linear radiofrequency(RF) ablation treating atrial flutter. Methods The AF reentrant circuits were mapped byatrial activation sequence and cancelled entrainment. AF was treated by linear RF ablationusing long introducer. Results 23 AF circuits of 26 cases were found in the atrium oftricuspid anulus (TA), one in the left atrium, one in the free wall of right atrium andthe other was found both in the TA and free wall of right atrium. Twenty cases weretreated with RF ablation and 14 of 15 typical AF and 4 of 6 atypical AF were successfullyablated (including one case having 2 reentrant circuits). Conclusion AF reentrantcircuits can be found by atrial activation sequence and cancelled entrainment. Linear RFablation using long introducer is an effective and safe way in treating AF.
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