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http://www.100md.com 《中华心血管病杂志》 1999年第3期
     肖洁 胡大一 许俊堂 李俊华 杨舒玲 杨新春 郭成军 100020 首都医科大学附属北京红十字朝阳医院心脏中心 中华心血管病杂志 1999 0 27 3

    关键词:体表电位图;心肌梗塞;心室功能,左 期刊 zhxxgbzz 0 第五次全国心血管病学术会议专栏 fur -->


摘要 目的 探讨体表心电标测中QRST积分偏差图与心肌梗塞患者左室射血分数的关系。方法 利用91导联体表心电标测方法,由100例正常人形成正常平均积分图,110例心肌梗塞患者积分图与之相减,除以正常人积分值的标准差,形成偏差图。偏差指数≤-2的部位为心肌电活动丧失的部位,累及的导联数代表电活动丧失的面积大小,与超声心动图、左室造影测定的左室射血分数比较。结果 心肌梗塞患者偏差图上出现与梗塞部位相关的显著负性偏差区域,累及导联数多者,心功能较差。结论 体表标测QRST积分图及其偏差图有助于估测心功能,并对患者远期预后作出评价。

QRST isointegral departure analysisof body surface mapping for evaluation of left ventricular function in myocardialinfarction

    XIAO Jie, HU Dayi, XU Juntang, et al. The Heart Center, Beijing Red Cross ChaoyangHospital,Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Capital University of Medical Sciences,Beijing 100020

Abstract Objective Tostudy the relationship between QRST isointegral departure analysis of body surface mapping(BSM) and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) in myocardial infarction (MI).Methods Ninety-one-leadBSM was performed on 110 MI patients and 100 controls. Significant departure area whichreflects the loss of electromotive force due to MI was calculated; while the number ofleads involved indicates the size of MI. The BSM data were compared with LVEF estimated byechocardiography and left ventriculography.Results Each MI patientshowed a consistent pattern in isointegral departure analysis which was related to the MIlocation. Patients with large departure area indicating large infarction zone hadrelatively poor left ventricular function.Conclusion QRST isointegraldeparture map is useful and feasible for detecting the location and size of MI and ishelpful for evaluating the prognosis of MI patients.


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