【摘要】 目的 比较自由落体和液压致大鼠脑损伤模型的异同。方法 建立两种类型的创伤模型,观察伤后不同时间的行为学、组织学和脑水含量变化。结果 在48小时死亡率相近的情况下(自由落体31.8%、液压32.5%),自由落体损伤后症状表现较轻,恢复较慢,受伤局部损伤严重,周围皮质水肿明显;液压损伤后症状表现较重,但恢复迅速,损伤范围广,而受伤局部损伤较轻,周围皮质没有水肿。结论 行为学、组织学改变的不同,表明两种模型有着不同的致伤机理和应用范围。
A comparison between the contusion and the fluid percussionbrain injury in rats
LI Lixian ,WANG Tianyou ,ZHONG Zhenyu .
(Beijing Neurosurgical Institute ,Beijing 100050)
【Abstract】 Objective Tocompare the contusion (CT) and fluid percussion (FP) brain injury model in rats. Methods Neurologicalsymptoms, brain histological alterations and water contents were studied after injury. Results The48-h mortality was similar (31.8% for CT and 32.5% for FP). CT group showed mildersymptoms, slower recovery, severe local tissue damage and peripheral edema. FP groupshowed severe but temporary symptoms, widespread cerebral tissue involvement, but noremarkable edema. Conclusion The traumatic mechanisms and theapplication for these two models are different.
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