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http://www.100md.com 《中华血液学杂志》 1999年第8期
     谭建明 唐孝达 顾文涛 丁言德 谢桐 谭建明 唐孝达 丁言德 谢桐 (上海市第一人民医院肾移植中心 200080);顾文涛 (美国加州大学组织配型中心) 中华血液学杂志 1999 0 20 8

    关键词:组织相容抗原,B40;聚合酶链反应;血清学分型 期刊 zhxyxzz 0 论著 fur -->


摘要 目的 比较研究中国汉族人群HLAB40交叉反应组血清学分型与高分辨度DNA分型结果。方法 研究样本199份,包括血清学分型B40组阳性样本177份、可疑阳性12份和阴性对照10份。同时对血清学分型和高分辨度顺序特异引物聚合酶链反应(PCR-SSP)DNA分型进行比较。结果 DNA分型成功率99.5%,总耗时5小时,特异性和敏感性好,可准确分辨出B40组10个等位基因。血清学分型成功率99.4%,总耗时2小时,总误差20个,误差率11.2%。检出中国汉族人群B40组各等位基因所占比例:B60为67.4%、B61为20.8%、B4801为9.6%、B4005为2.2%。结论 高分辨度PCRSSP方法用于HLA-B40组分型比血清学分型更加精确,适合于临床应用。

A comparison of serological and highresolution DNA methods for HLA-B40 cross reactive groups typing

TAN Jianming, TANG Xiaoda, GU Wentao, et al. Renaltransplant center, Shanghai First People's Hospital,Shanghai 350025

Abstract Objective Tocompare the high-resolution DNA typing method witd serological method for HLA-B40cross-reactive groups (CREG) typing in Chinese population. Methods Atotal of 199 consecutive samples were entered into the study, including 177 identifiedserologically as B40 CREG positive, 12 ambiguous and 10 negative controls. Double blindtyping for HLA-B40 CREG was carried out using PCR-SSP high-resolution DNA typing andserological one-step monoclonal antibody technique, respectively. Results In3 of the samples serological typing could not be performed owing to poor cell viability,while in 1 PCR-SSP typing could not be done owing to poor DNA. Among samples that weresuccessfully typed by botd methods, all alleles of HLA-B40 CREG could be accuratelydistinguished by PCR-SSP.It was proved that PCR-SSP was a high-sensitivity and highspecificity technique. However, serology showed 11.2% misassignments. The overall timefor serological typing was 2 hours, and for DNA typing, 5 hours. The percentages of HLAB40 CREG alleles in Chinese population were 67.4% for B60, 20.8% for B61, 9.6% forB4801 and 2.2% for B4005. Conclusion High resolution PCR-SSP typingfor HLA-B40 CREG could be used in routine clinical practice witd a greater precisionthan serology.


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