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http://www.100md.com 《中华消化内镜杂志》 1998年第5期
     李飞 张齐联 年维东 梁晋雨 翟洪涛 100034 北京医科大学第一医院外科 中华消化内镜杂志 1998 10 15 5

    关键词:大肠癌;内镜超声;微血管计数 期刊 zhxhnjzz 0 论 著 fur -->


摘要 探讨内镜超声、微血管计数在大肠癌术前分期的应用及意义, 30例大肠癌病人术前作该项检查结果表明,内镜超声诊断癌侵犯肠壁的深度的准确率为 76.7%,诊断癌周淋巴结转移的准确率为 73.3%,总的术前 Dukes分期准确率为 70%。微血管计数结果显示癌侵犯肠壁达外膜层的比未达外膜层癌的微血管计数高,而且有转移的大肠癌比无转移的大肠癌的微血管计数高。两者都能较正确地反映肿瘤分期,两者结合起来对术前判断肿瘤的分期、评价其预后有重要意义。


APPLICATION OF ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASONOGRAPHY AND MICROVESSEL COUNTING IN PREOPERATIVE STAGING OF COLORECTAL CANCER Li Fei, Zhang Qilian, Nian Weidong, et al. Department of Surgery, The First Teaching Hospital of Beijing Medical University,Beijing 100034
Abstract 30 patients with colorectal carcinoma underwent endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS) and microvessel counting for staging before operation. The accuracy of EUS in assessing depth of tumor infiltration was 76.7%, that in detecting lymph node involvement being 73.3%. The correctness of preoperative Duke's staging remained 70%. Microvessel counting correlated with depth infiltration and lymph node invasion. The microvascularity in tumor with serosal involvement was obviously abundant than that without, so as in tumor with and without lymphatic invasion. The results revealed that both EUS and microvessel counting can be considered as an essential evidence for preoperative staging of colorectal cancer and thereby for predicting prognosis.
Key words Colorectal cancer Endoscopic ultrasonography Microvessel counting

大肠癌是我国常见恶性肿瘤 ......

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