摘要 为探讨胃癌病变内镜超声检查(EUS)分期与其细胞增殖力学变化的相关性,应用超声内镜对73例胃癌患者进行术前分期,取内镜活检组织作核仁形成区嗜银蛋白(AgNOR)银染计数、增殖细胞核抗原(PCNA)免疫组化及流式细胞仪(FCM)-DNA等检测。结果显示:胃癌病变,每核AgNOR颗粒平均量为4.57±0.19、PCNA阳性细胞标记指数为0.67±0.19、DNA异倍体率为75.3%。T3 、T4 期或有淋巴结转移时,上述指标较T1 期或无淋巴结转移的有不同程度的增高。提示随着胃癌浸润转移进展,其粘膜存在明显不同的增殖力学的异常,术前EUS分期与这种改变有较好的相关性。
CORRELATION BETWEEN PREOPERATIVE STAGING OF GASTRIC CARCINOMABY ENDOSCOPIC ULTRASONOGRAPHY AND ITS CELL PROLIFERATIVE CHANGES Guo Wen, Zhang Yali, Wu Baoping, et al. PLA Institute for DigestiveDiseases, Nanfang Hospital, First Medical University of PLA, Guangzhou 510515
Abstract Thisstudy was directed to elucidate the correlation between preoperative ultrasonographic (EUS) staging of gastric carcinoma and mucosal proliferative kinetics. 73 instances withthe lesion entered the study. The bioptic specimens were detected by silverstaining fornucleolar organizer region (AgNOR), immunohistochemistry for proliferating cell nuclear antigen(PCNA) and flow cytometry for DNA analysis. Results showed that the mean number ofAgNOR sites per nucleus, the labelling index of PCNA and the heteroploid rate of DNA was4.57±0.19 ......
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