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http://www.100md.com 《中华老年医学杂志》 1998年第5期

     夏群 关航 刘向利 李永 褚德发 1000730 卫生部北京医院眼科(夏群、关航、刘向利、李永),统计室(褚德发) 中华老年医学杂志 1998 10 17 5

    关键词:深度知觉;视觉 期刊 zhlnyxzz 0 临床研究 fur -->


摘要 目的 了解老年人立体视功能及其影响因素。 方法 采用随机点立体图和同视 机双项检测102例正常视力老年人远近立体视锐度阈值、立体融合范围及响应速度。 结果 102例中,83例(81.4%)远近立体功能具有正常的中心立体视,19例(18.6%)不正常;70岁以上老年人和白内障程度严重者立体视功能异常率较高,响应速度也较慢。 结论 立体视觉正常与否与视器官和视中枢的健康及功能状况有关,规范的立体视检查应为远近立体视功能双项定量测定。

Clinical examination of distant and near stereopsis in the aged

Xia Qun, Guan Hang, Liu Xiangli, et al. Department of Ophthalmology, Beijing Hospital, Beijing 100730

Abstract Objective To study stereopsis of aged persons and it's influential factors. Methods The Rondon-Dot stereogram and synoptophore were used to examine, the acuity threshold, fusion field and response speed of distant and near stereopsis in 102 subjects with normal aged vision. Results Eighty-three cases (81.4%) showed normal central stereopsis in both distant and near. Nineteen cases (18.6%) were abnormal. There were more abnormal stereopsis and slower response speed, in cases over 70 years old and with severe cataract. Conclusions The stereopsis is related to the function of the visual organ and the visual center. A normalized examination should include quantitatively both distant and near stereopsis.


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