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http://www.100md.com 《中华老年医学杂志》 1998年第4期
听力障碍|神经心理学 ,关键词:
     王树峰 陈雪清 吴燕君 周婉荣 邢树惠 周玉芳 汤哲 吴晓光 100730 北京市耳鼻咽喉科研究所听力语言康复室(王树峰、陈雪清、吴燕君、周婉荣、邢树惠);北京老年病医疗研究中心(周玉芳、汤哲、吴晓光) 中华老年医学杂志 1998 8 17 4

    关键词:听力障碍;神经心理学 期刊 zhlnyxzz 0 调查研究 fur -->


摘要 目的 探讨老年人群中听力障碍的患病情况,为制定老年人听力康复对策提供依据。 方法 采用集体听力测试、全身体格检查及与国际接轨的入户调查问卷3种形式进行调查。 结果 实查北京市区老年人374例,听力障碍患者194例,标准化总听力障碍患病率为41.9%,样本患病率在性别间的差异无显著性。仅有13例(6.7%)患者曾接受听力康复,其在心理感受、调控信念等方面明显低于非听力障碍组。

结论 老年人听力障碍康复率极低的原因在于:传统观念的束缚、听力学门诊不健全、无正规的听力学教育体系以及助听器价格较高等因素。神经心理因素分析表明,听力障碍会造成患者心理上的创伤,对此应受到人们的重视,以实现患者听力的全面康复。

An investigationon hearing impairment of the aged in Beijing and its neuro psychologic factors

Wang Shufeng, Chen Xueqing, Wu Yanjun, etal.

Beijing Institute of otolaryngology,Beijing 100730

Abstract Objective To findout the situations of the hearing impaired of the aged, synthetically analyze the impactto society, economics, psychology, etc. So as to formulate in details the plans of therehabilitation programs for the old. Methods There are three styles of the study methods to be used as follows,the group hearing test, physical examinations and survey questionnaire with internationalstandard. Results Three hundred and seventy-four records were obtained, the number ofthe hearing impaired is 194. The prevalence rate of the hearing impaired of the old inBeijing is 41.9%. However, only 13(6.7%) of them had received rehabilitation programs,their psychological condition and self-confidence level obviously much lesser than groupsof people without hearing loss. Conclusions The reason of poor rehabilitation exercise as follows: thetraditional believe that there is no need to visit a doctor, poor audiological service inhospitals, no official audiology educational system, higher price in hearing aids. Thepsychological investigation revealed that the impaired are always behave"unnaturally", for those who are being impaired with psychological imbalance hasbecome an important factor for the society.


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