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http://www.100md.com 《中华流行病学杂志》 1998年第4期
     马小燕1 王玉琴2 彭晓1 唐耀武1 楮天新1 周婉馨2 陈立泉2 万超群3 1 北京市卫生防疫站 100013;2 北京市东城区卫生防疫站;3 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 中华流行病学杂志 1998 8 0 4

    关键词:军团菌病;空调系统;爆发 期刊 zhlxbxzz 0 论 著 fur -->


摘要 1997年6月北京某写字楼员工发生一起上呼吸道感染样(上感样)疫情。为查明爆发原因,采用流行病学病例-对照调查研究方法,分别对病例组、对照组进行嗜肺军团菌(Lp)抗体1~14型血清学检测,并对大厦空调系统采样进行细菌学培养检测。结果:该次爆发疫情的扁桃体炎罹患率为61.86%,上感罹患率34.62%,统计学检验发热与扁桃体关系密切(χ2 =77.88,P<0.01);上感病例Lp9、10、12、14四型抗体阳性率为45.94%,四组对照前述四种抗体的阳性比例分别为3/15、6/17、0/15、0/16;空调冷凝水培养Lp阳性。证明这是一起以空调系统为媒介由Lp9、12引起的上感样军团菌病爆发。


    Investigation of An Legionnaires' Disease OutbreakAssociated with Contaminated Air-Conditioning System Ma Xiaoyan* ,Wang Yuqin, Peng Xiaoming,et al. * Department of Epidemiology ,Beijing Municipal Center for Hygieneand Epidemic Control, Beijing 100013

Abstract An outbreak of upper respiratory infection (influenza-like syndrom)took place among the staff members of a large office building in Beijing,June, 1997.Tounderstand the cause of the outbreak, with a case-control study with serologicalantibodies detection against serogroup 1 to 14 of Legionnaires' disease bacteria (LDB) andbacteriological test and culture on samples collected from the air-conditioning system ofthe office building was performed. The findings showed that the attack rates oftongillitis and upper respiratory infection were 61.86% and 34.62% respectively. Therelation was statistically significant between the symptoms of fever and tonsillitis inthe cases (χ2 =77.88,P<0.01). The positive rates of LDB antibodies on serogroups 9, 10,12,14 were 45.94% in the cases of upper respiratory infection and 3/15,6/17,0/15,1/16respectively in the four controls groups. Condensied water samples from anair-conditioning system showed that Legionella Pneumophila was positive. Evidence showedthat it was an outbreak resulting from LDB serogroup 9 and 12, accompanied by upperrespiratory infection related to air-conditioning system contaminated by LDB. This was thefirst report Lp infection associated with an air-conditioning system in China.


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