【摘要 】目的通过观察大鼠脊髓损伤后内源性腺苷含量的变化,以及外源性腺苷对脊髓损伤后神经功能的影响,探讨腺苷在脊髓继发性损伤中的作用。方法采用大鼠T13脊髓腹侧压迫模型,用微透析技术每20分钟连续收集脊髓损伤后脊髓组织细胞外液,用高效液相色谱仪紫外检测法检测细胞外液腺苷的含量;伤前15分钟蛛网膜下腔给予非特异性腺苷受体激动剂2-氯腺苷,观察伤后神经功能评分、倾斜平面临界角和组织学变化。结果脊髓损伤后腺苷浓度立即显著升高,至1小时达最高峰,且升高幅度与伤情成正比,2小时降至基础水平;大剂量2-氯腺苷蛛网膜下腔注射能显著改善脊髓损伤后的神经功能。结论腺苷参与了脊髓继发性损伤的病理过程,其作用是保护性的。
The Effect and Mechanismof Adenosine on Secondary Spinal Cord Injury
ZHANG Qiulin* ,ZHAO Jie,WANG Qiugen,et al.
* Department of Orthopedics, Changhai Hospital, Shanghai 200433
【Abstract 】 Objective To explore the roleof adenosine in secondary injury mechanism after spinal cord injury (SCI) in rats. MethodsA ventral compression injury model of T 13 spinal cord was produced, and the extracellularfluids were collected consecutively every 20 min after injury by using microdialysis. Theadenosine in the samples was analyzed by using a high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) system with ultraviolet detection. The rats received different doses of 2-Chloroadenosine(2-CADO),a nonspecific agonist of adenosine receptors, by intrathecal injection 15 min beforeinjury. The neurological function score, inclined plane angle and histology were observedafter injury. Results A significant increasing of adenosine was found immediately afterspinal cord injury. The concentration of adenosine reached the peak at one hour afterinjury and dropped down to the basal level at two hours. There was positive correlationbetween the increasing of adenosine and the severity of SCI. High dose of 2-CADO canimprove the neurological function significantly. Conclusion The present finding suggeststhat adenosine could be involved in the pathological progress of secondary spinal cordinjury and might play a protective role in SCI.
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